Sunday, December 23, 2012


   I would just like to take this opportunity to wish each of you a truly Merry Christmas.

   I, myself have found it difficult to muster up some "Merry" these past few weeks.
  Beside the craziness of baking, shopping, wrapping and preparing. I have been so preoccupied with the recent events in our world. I hear the news , I watch the interviews, I see the photos and I am so disheartened. I feel like I am losing Faith.

What has happened to us, as a people, as a human race. Are we not called to "Love one another"?

I have found myself in a state of disbelief and shock and honestly horror, as I am made aware of the evil that is now a part of our everyday lives.

It has been a tough week for me. Maybe it is because my husband is an Elementary School Teacher, and in my heart I know, without question , that he would stand in the line of fire before his students, he would give his life to protect theirs.

Maybe it is because I am a Mom and I grieve for each and every parent that has lost their child in such a needless way.

Whatever it is, it has stolen my faith it has taken away my hope.............

Until today.

.........A Thrill of Hope
         The Weary World Rejoices
         For Yonder Breaks A New and Glorious Morn.....

This has always been my favorite Christmas Carol, but today these words struck me in a whole new way.

A Weary World? yep that's us to a "T". We are Weary.
However, we still have the Thrill of Hope
The same thrill that they had on that Holy Night, over 2000 years ago.
Hope for a New and Glorious Morn

I don't know about you, but I am ready for something New and Glorious.
.......Chains Shall He Break
       For The Slave Is Our Brother
       And In HIS Name
       All Oppression Shall Cease.......

WOW, Have you ever really reflected on this verse? I really hadn't until today and I tell you what, there is POWER in those words.... ALL Oppression shall cease

The words to this song, have really touched me, restored me and have given me a hope this Christmas Season.

I have turned off the news and tuned out the negativity in this world.....

........Fall On Your Knees
        O Hear The Angel Voices
        O Night Divine
        O Night When Christ Was Born

Spend some time this Beautiful Holiday Season, on your knees. Listening for the voices of Angels.

It will lift your spirit and restore your peace.

A Very Blessed Christmas to you and Yours!!!


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words from a beautiful woman! We are playing that tomorrow. We can rejoice together. I love you!
    Your Husband
