Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14

OK...For those of you who have been following this blog from the beginning...
you may remember a post from a year ago...

It was titled "Perfection Pretense" and it told the story of me being a pregnant 17yr old girl..
It was a testament to the power of God's plan for our lives...

January 14 has been an turning point day in my life since 1985.

Well..its January 14 and I woke up and I wrote a post on FB..
Giving Thanks to the Lord for this day...
Thanking Tara for changing my life..
and rejoicing in God's plan.

It's all good...
The phone rings around 8am and its my sister from Chicago...
She never calls me this early...
After all, she's trying to get her 3 girls off to school..
and we all know how crazy that can be...

But she called and I answered...
I heard her say hello and she said...
"I read your posts on FB about today"
(She remembers, she was 13 at the time )

Then she says...
" I have a Timothy Botts flip calendar...it has a verse for the day on each page"
"I flipped it to today ...and well, I want to read it to you...if I can"
Through tears and a cracked voice...she reads me today's verse
January 14

My day...The day that I decided that, although I was only 17...
I was choosing life.....I was choosing my child...
I was choosing life....

This is the verse on her calendar for today....January 14...

9 “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!.....Deuteronomy 30:19

I am choking back sobs as the tears run down my cheeks....

These words were written over 2000 yrs ago and they fit my life perfectly...
today...January 14,2014
January 14...my day...my day to choose life...

And you know what ....not only do those words apply to me...
but the promise of those words have rung true in my life...

MY descendants....my children...they Live
Not just now, on this earth, for this time...
But they will have eternal life...
Because my descendants...my children...
Choose Christ...choose to live for the Lord...

And I have blessings...
not curses....
my descendants will LIVE...

29 yrs ago..
I chose Life...

and God chose me.

His word NEVER returns void.

Thanks, Jami for taking a minute from the morning craziness to share God's word..
It has taught me a great lesson  this morning.


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