YAY!!!! It feels like Fall....and I LOVE it!!!
Something happens in me at the change of Seasons...particularly Autumn.
I love the "Back to School" Season....new clothes, backpacks, shoes and crayons.
I am always reminded of the Staples commercial...... The Mom is practically running through the store... tossing everything that she can find into her cart with a 32 tooth grin and the flourish of a figure skater........
Her children are creeping along behind her with their faces and feet dragging...
All the while we hear "It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year" blaring from the TV.
I was always ready for Summer to begin in June...
and even more ready for school to begin in September....
My three nieces begin school this week......
4th..6th..and 8th grade...
I just got off the phone with my sister and .....
the Mom in that commercial has nothing on her.
I think Wednesday can't come soon enough for Jami (my sister).
While we were trying to decide on birthday gifts....
Bailey and Kenzie turn 11 and 9 this week, as well
( i know, she should have planned better)
She was answering questions...arranging "hangout with friends time"....
figuring out locker decorations... first day of school outfits, etc
I hung up thinking......
So maybe she doesn't love the change of seasons...
And I remember......
I remember the chaos and the busyness...
I remember feeling overwhelmed...
I remember admiring the Mom's whose children were old enough to do it on their own.
I remember thinking what a glorious time that would be...
when life was calm...
when I could find "Me time"
After all, at the height of my craziness, I had an 17yr old, a 9yr old and a 5yr old.
I could not wait for that season to pass...
and pass it did....
far too quickly....
in a blink of an eye....
And I am sitting here...
in an empty house...
my husband is at work...
That 17yr old is now married and an amazing mom..
with a beautiful life.. totally blessed by God
We just drove that, once 9yr old, 1300 miles to begin her junior year of college...
she is called and anointed and living in the perfect Will of God.
That little 5yr old boy has gone to have a dinner date with his "Gma"
and he will be 16 in November....
and he lives with conviction and has a Heart of Worship....
And I am here alone....
And I am blessed beyond measure...
Much more than I deserve...
Yet....there are times like these,
when I hang up the phone and I remember the chaos..
the craziness...
the season that feels Eternal.....
And I yearn for that...
Yes, I even daresay that I miss it....
It's a real longing....
For everything there is a season,
a time for every activity under heaven.
2 A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
3 A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
4 A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
5 A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
6 A time to search and a time to quit searching.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
7 A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
8 A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace....Ecc3-1-8
I know that the time that I long for was... but a Season..
I also know that God has ordered my steps and he has fashioned my Seasons....
And I am believing that He will fill my days with purpose ...
and I know that He will fill this vessel....
And I know that each Season holds it's own beauty....
So, let me speak to Jami....
To all those who think that they are in an Eternal Season of Chaos and Carpools...
Embrace it because it is just that....
A Season..
and soon the leaves will fall...
And a whole new Season begins.
I know how you feel. Getting ready to take one off to begin college, one to start his junior year in high school and one to the wedding alter in 5 weeks. Wow, they say time flies when you're having fun, well I must be having a blast!!! Happy for them, sad for me. Thankfully I cling to The One who knows the plans He has for me (and them). Jer. 29:11
ReplyDeleteAmen.... And the Plans He has for us are Great!!!
ReplyDeleteI will be excited to see what the future holds....once I stop crying :/