Friday, July 19, 2013

Taking it All for Granted

I Know.... it feels like a lifetime since I've sat down to write.

There have been a million things going on in my head and so many words that The Lord has laid upon my heart...
it just feels like time is going so quickly....
I never have enough minutes in my day......

That's where I am today....


I begin to think that my life is just getting more and more crazy...
I have less time to relax.. to enjoy each moment...

My husband works crazy hours.... I rarely see him.
My oldest daughter is busy raising her family,
My middle daughter works Mon-Fri and she is currently getting ready to head back to school in 2 weeks..
My son is at the Church all day practicing as part of the Praise and Worship Team...

And Me......
Im doing the usual, cleaning, laundry, getting food ready for a cookout...
running to the store... making sure the pool is ready, the list goes on and on...

There are times I am resentful...
I feel like I do it all...
It's all on me...
and I'm busy and tired and tired of being busy....

A few minutes ago, I was in my living room and I looked up at my chalkboard...
It takes up an entire wall in my room and I write quotes or verses on it...
I use it to encourage those in my home... both those who live here and those who visit...

Today... The words I put up there....They hit me square in the face

     That which YOU take for GRANTED.... Someone else is PRAYING for.

This busy-ness that I complain about.... someone else is praying for..
I know that sounds crazy, but think about it.
I am busy because I am caring for my family.

And although there are days (sometimes weeks at a time) when they drive me nuts...
I wouldn't change it.

There are people out there who have NO ONE...
They are praying for a family to care for.

It got me thinking about all that I take for granted...
There's the obvious...
the luxuries....a pool..a fire pit..a vehicle.

But what about the "not so obvious"

What about my husband?....Yep, I take him for granted
He is an amazing provider.. He loves me without question and he is a Man of God who serves as an amazing example to our kids.
That man that I take for granted, that man who could drive me insane on any given day...
Someone else is praying for.....
I know of women, personally who are praying for A Man of God to come beside them and love them.

What about my kids?....Yep, I take them for granted too
My children are compassionate and loving and they all have a heart that Seeks after the Lord...
They Love me and respect me and they treat me with Honor..
There are days when I wonder how they would do it without me...
and in all honestly... there have been times when I was tempted to "go on strike" and watch them flounder.....

Those kids that I take for granted....
Someone else is praying for...
Again... I know people who have children who are far from the Lord...
children making destructive choices...
They pray that their children will come to know Christ.

I could go on for pages..... So much that I take for granted...
Family, friends. my church, etc....
I am so glad that God brought those words to my mind today...
A reminder that there are people out there praying...
praying with urgency for those things that I take for granted...

My prayer today for myself and for you... is this...

Lord , open my eyes to the many blessings which you have given me, help me to never take for granted even the smallest of these, for each is a gift from you. Thank You Lord for each of them.... and when I am overwhelmed or under-appreciated or just ambivalent... help me to remember that someone is praying for that which I take for granted.

Well, Blog complete.....
Now I'm off to finish the never-ending "To-Do" list....

And I have never been more grateful to be able to do so.....

With Joy,

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