Monday, March 4, 2013

Really? STOP & YES!!

Well I haven't posted in a couple of weeks...
I just didn't hear from the Lord...

I waited, I tried to force the issue...
I started a blog, erased, started again
Walked away.....

Definitely not my strong point.

Well, I heard from God last night...
Loud and Clear.....
A single word.....


That was all.....


Well, I'll tell you, it's not easy to write a blog based on a single word...
especially a word that basically tells you to do nothing.

Not really knowing what this meant, I went to the Lord in prayer...

I questioned him ( go ahead, question God, He already knows what you're thinking)
I was a little indifferent ( He knows that too)

So, instead of waiting for an answer to my question,
I kept asking other questions  (  I was on a roll)...

OK Stop what, exactly?
Should I stop being a Mom?
Should I stop being a wife?
....a daughter?
....a baker?
....a grandma?

How about if I stop my routine...
things like cleaning.. laundry?

Should I stop caring for others? to missions?
.....Encouraging my children?

Here's one I was a little more than willing to do..
Should I stop paying bills?
Then I became real bold and said "Are you going to pay them ?"

Yea I worked myself right into a tizzy...
I was becoming angry...

So, I had asked all the questions...
I wanted an answer, more than just a one word response...

guess what I heard...

YES!!!!! ( btw if you haven't noticed, again, He gave me one word, I wanted more, he gave me what I needed, not what I wanted)

What? I thought I was going to scream... all of these things that He told me to Stop,
they defined who I am, how people know me..
You know what I mean, my reputation.

then this story "popped" into my mind

s Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”
41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things,42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”


I guess that one word from The Lord was enough.

In this story, 2 sisters open their home to Jesus.
Mary didn't care a bit about what needed to be done, she didn't care to be the best hostess, she didn't pay one bit of attention to the fact that her reputation as a servant was being jeopardized.....

She cared about one thing and only one thing....spending time with Jesus.
Nothing else mattered... I think that she was so awestruck in His presence that she didn't even consider that there was anyone else there...let alone things to be done.

Martha was ticked...she was the one doing all the work and she was not about to let it go unnoticed by their guest.......She was a tattle tale and she told Jesus what to do with Mary.
( I always chuckle at this part of scripture... Martha thought "I'll tell him how to handle this". Apparently she forgot to whom she was speaking.....ummm remember, this is JESUS )

I am sure the response of the Lord astonished Martha, definitely not the answer she was looking for.
He told her that all the preparations she worried over ,were not necessary.
She only needed one thing... to be in His presence.

Well, needless to say, I now know what STOP means
and I know why he answered all of my indifferent questions with one word YES!!!!

He was teaching me, admonishing me, like Martha.

STOP being so busy, STOP trying to do it all, STOP trying to please everyone, STOP trying to build a righteous reputation.

Spend time in communion with your worries and concerns fade
Experience my presence... lean on me
All else will fall into place.

As you can see... I asked for a word and I got just that 

I needed it and I believe there are others who need it, as well.

Seek God FIRST......
Let HIM handle the details.

STOP and YES!!!
Two powerful words from the Lord!

Stop today,

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