nevertheless; all the same
OK......Here it is!!
I have decided that it was time to begin a new blog......
Thank you to all who have followed my Three measures page...
Yes I am still baking...Everyday...and I LOVE baking...
However...these past 6 months have challenged me...
And I have been seeking and trusting...
and waiting and waiting and waiting .....
well, you get the picture.
Let me give you a brief overview....
I am sure that these stories will be coming in future posts...
but for's the Readers Digest version...
During these past 6 months...
I have.....
Welcomed a beautiful new granddaughter...
sent my 16 yr old son to a foreign country to do mission work....
watched my daughter end her engagement....
watched that same daughter move to and navigate through a big city....
Oh yeah....and supported my husband as he made the decision to end a career of 19yrs because he believes that God has a new plan for him....
it has been trying and chaotic and crazy and sad and even scary at times...
I have been very intentional about seeking God and waiting on him....
and waiting and waiting....
I wanted answers and I wanted miracles...
I was waiting for those large, demonstrative acts.....
You know what I mean....
like you find in the Book of John....
Loaves and fishes....
Raising the dead...
Instead, The Lord showed me this..
11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but theLord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake
12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice......1 Kings 19:11-12
OK....maybe I was going about this the wrong way...
could it be possible that I was so obsessed with a BIG act of God,
that I missed the real presence of Him?
In these verses...huge things were happening...
but that is not where the Lord was found....
still, as in, not moving....
Not huge...Not earth shattering (literally)
And...there you have it!
When you are waiting for God to move...
in a Big, miraculous kind of way....
Listen closely for that still small voice....
It is God speaking to you, amidst the chaos....
In the craziness of everyday life....
God is speaking..... a Small Voice
Welcome to my new blog.....
Seeing God in the midst of everyday chaos.
Listening for the voice,
Such a timely word through this post for me right now. Thank you for writing this.