Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I have had enough.....
How many times have we heard...
"If we rely on this next generation....
we will go to hell in a hand basket"

I beg to differ..
I have a huge problem with that.

Research show that this "next generation"
These 13-30 yr olds....
They are the first generation where their desire to make this world better....
Exceeds their desire to acquire stuff.

They have a compassion for people....
they are aware of injustice and they want to change it...
This age group logs more volunteer hours...
than any other generation....
More than any other generation in history.

And people dare say that they are the ones carrying this hand basket?

I daresay that we are the ones that handed them the hand basket....
They are the ones with the courage to put it down.

I witnessed this firsthand....
This past July, I had the privilege to act as chaperone to four teens....
We went to Columbus, Ohio...
To participate in The National Youth Convention.

9000 young people were there....
Each offering up their talent and gifts to the Lord....
Every one of the 9000....Praying and seeking...
Wanting God to move in their lives...
Having a deep, genuine desire to be used by God...

I was put to shame, as I stood there in a packed out arena...
And I heard these teens calling on God....
Not just for their direction...
but for this hurting and broken world.

That's right, these young people...
They were praying for us....
our generation....
The people who gave them the basket and said...
"Good Luck"....this world is doomed...

Wow....did they respond....
They took a look at that basket.....
they decided....
Let's change this....
Put the basket down....

Let's pick up the heart of Jesus....
Let's be a light in this world....
Instead of carrying a hand basket to Hell....

Why don't we just open our arms...
and carry this world into heaven...

I am challenged by this generation....
They step out of their comfort zone....
The go out of their way....
The sacrifice their time and their possessions....

They risk ridicule and rejection...
These kids don't care....
The will do anything...not to pick up that basket.

I desire...No, I need to be more like them...
This next generation...
I want to step out...
to make a difference.....

And...I want to set down that hand basket....
set it down because it's empty....

Because, my arms are full.....
and I'm on my way "UP"

1 Peter 2:9The Message (MSG)

9-10 But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.

Thank you...young people.
Thank you for inspiring me...
And accept my apology..
I never should have handed you that basket.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014


I have had this chip on my shoulder.....
I want answers and to be honest.....
I don't want to wait any longer.

I feel that I have done my part...
Read my Bible daily?.......check
seek the Lord daily?.....check
Tithe faithfully?.....check
Raise my children to know the Lord?....check

I have followed all of the requirements...
Now, where are my blessings?

I don't mean any disrespect...
I love Christ with my entire being...
But, I'm tired of waiting.

Well, today as I was walking....
I decided to ask Him....

Where are my answers God?
I serve you....
My husband serves you.
My children serve you.

I have had enough of the struggle...
it has been 4 months....
Four LONG months.

When Michael and I both had heard from God...
We decided that he would resign from his teaching job.
Michael was frustrated and withdrawn...
Our family was feeling the impact of that.
I had heard from God.....
He asked me...."Do you trust me?"
"Do you believe that I will provide?"
"Will you give it to me...Let go?"

Of response was, Yes.
Immediately, I thought that a new opportunity would be knocking at the door...
Why else would God ask me to let go?

It has been 4 months....
I am tired of waiting...
so today... I asked God

Where are you?
Why did you ask Michael to resign...if there is no plan?
Do you realize how long it has been?

And then, suddenly...
all of these things began bombarding me....

Because we obeyed God.....
Michael has found a peace in himself that he had been missing...
He is more relaxed...more connected....
more involved.

Because we obeyed God.....
I have learned to relinquish control...
I have learned patience...
I have learned just how strong my marriage is....

Because we obeyed God.....
My children have come to me...
to say that they are inspired by our faith...
that we are an example of how to stick it out...
how to trust and believe...together.

Because we obeyed God....
we have learned that God is faithful....
that what He said, He will do.

Because we obeyed.....
We have experienced that God is the God of Provision
That He will meet EVERY ONE of our needs.

As I returned home from my walk...
That chip was gone....
My heart was full...

God had Michael resign .....
Not to throw us into the fire...
But to use the fire to refine us....
To allow us to test Him at His word...

To bring our family,
Our marriage.
Our relationship with Him...
to a new level.

Our God is faithful...
I wouldn't trade these past 4 months...
Not even for the greatest job opportunity.

We are still believing that He will provide the perfect job...
at the perfect time...
But in the meantime....
We will trust and wait...
and continue to grow.

And maybe, just maybe we will bask in the flame...
Because we know...the heat produces the glory.

6 In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. 7 These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.....1Peter1:6-7

Changed by the Fire,

Monday, September 8, 2014


Have you ever experienced one of those weeks?

You know what I mean....
Everything "rubs you the wrong way"

Well, I am a 47yr old woman...

With hot flashes...
and perhaps.....
Possibly...a hormonal moment...
or two....

I have just experienced that kind of week.

The one thing that was totally getting on my nerves this past week.... guessed it....
My husband.

OK, I don't know about you..

but when I'm in this perturbed kind of place...
I am not my most gracious....

As I had mentioned in a previous post...

Michael and I really felt led by God...
for him to resign from his teaching career.

He had been a teacher for 19yrs...

he no longer had the passion...
and he was miserable....
We all were miserable...

Well, that was in May...

and we are waiting....
Waiting on God to provide a new opportunity.

Well, that is what sparked my mood...

I wasick and tired of waiting...
and I wanted Michael to make something happen.

I didn't tell him that...

At least not verbally...
Instead....I just let him know that he was bugging me in a more subtle way.

Like...getting up and moving when he sat next to me on the couch...

Or....tensing up when he would try to hug me..
OK, sometimes I would resort to words and I'd exclaim...
In my "possessed" voice...
You're bugging me!!!

On saturday I had enough of the waiting...

enough of the "God will provide" mentality...
I was ready to strike...
And MIchael was my target.

I am not proud of my actions...

and I am not proud that I accused him of not wanting to do better by us.
My Pride and my fear were like blinders..
I only saw what I had assumed he wasn't doing.

Forward to sunday morning...

Yep, we were in church...
Yep, I wastill "copping an attitude"...
Yep, The Lord adjusted my attitude.

My husband was on Worship Team..

Playing his heart out on "Genevieve"
( The name he chose for his guitar)..
And he was still "bugging me"

Yep...even in church

" Your Love Never Fails

  It Never Gives Up
  It Never Runs Out On Me"

Ok....Here's the lesson for me...

Do you know what my husband did....
He closed his eyes, raised his hands in surrender...
And he sang those words...
To worship.

Now I was really annoyed....just kidding.

Actually I was really humbled...
and at that exact moment.....

saw Michael for who he is...

A man after God's own heart....
A man who will worship when the situation is tough....
A man who will surrender and follow God's lead.

It reminded me of the blind man in the Book of John.....

 11 He replied, “The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes. He told me to go to Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and then I could see.”..John9:11

That iexactly what The Lord did for me....

My eyes had been blinded by pride...and annoyance and uncertainty.
He took the muck and mire that I was throwing at Him..
and he put it on my eyes......
 Muddy Eyes....

And in the same way that Jesus told this blind man....

That he had to go wash his eyes to receive the miracle...
I had to wash out my mind....let go of the expectation..
I had to activate my miracle.

And only then..

I could see...

not just see clearly...
But I could see Michael as Jesusaw him....

I could see God at work in our lives...

and I know that He is at work in our situation.

Be careful..... temporary blindness can have a permanent effect.

Grateful to be serving a miracle working God,                                                                                            


Tuesday, September 2, 2014




  1. not moving or making a sound.

nevertheless; all the same

OK......Here it is!!

I have decided that it was time to begin a new blog......
Thank you to all who have followed my Three measures page...

Yes I am still baking...Everyday...and I LOVE baking...
However...these past 6 months have challenged me...

And I have been seeking and trusting...
and waiting and waiting and waiting .....
well, you get the picture.

Let me give you a brief overview....
I am sure that these stories will be coming in future posts...
but for's the Readers Digest version...

During these past 6 months...
I have.....

Welcomed a beautiful new granddaughter...
sent my 16 yr old son to a foreign country to do mission work....
watched my daughter end her engagement....
watched that same daughter move to and navigate through a big city....

Oh yeah....and supported my husband as he made the decision to end a career of 19yrs because he believes that God has a new plan for him....

it has been trying and chaotic and crazy and sad and even scary at times...

I have been very intentional about seeking God and waiting on him....
and waiting and waiting....
I wanted answers and I wanted miracles...
I was waiting for those large, demonstrative acts.....

You know what I mean....
like you find in the Book of John....
Loaves and fishes....
Raising the dead...

Instead, The Lord showed me this..

11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but theLord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake
12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice......1 Kings 19:11-12

OK....maybe I was going about this the wrong way...
could it be possible that I waso obsessed with a BIG act of God,
that I missed the real presence of Him?

In these verses...huge things were happening...
but that is not where the Lord was found....

He was, instead....a still small voice
still, as in, not moving....
Not huge...Not earth shattering (literally)

And...there you have it!
When you are waiting for God to move...
in a Big, miraculous kind of way....

Listen closely for that still small voice....
It is God speaking to you, amidst the chaos....
In the craziness of everyday life....

God ispeaking..... a Small Voice

Welcome to my new blog.....
Seeing God in the midst of everyday chaos.

 Listening for the voice,