I have had enough.....
How many times have we heard...
"If we rely on this next generation....
we will go to hell in a hand basket"
I beg to differ..
I have a huge problem with that.
Research show that this "next generation"
These 13-30 yr olds....
They are the first generation where their desire to make this world better....
Exceeds their desire to acquire stuff.
They have a compassion for people....
they are aware of injustice and they want to change it...
This age group logs more volunteer hours...
than any other generation....
More than any other generation in history.
And people dare say that they are the ones carrying this hand basket?
I daresay that we are the ones that handed them the hand basket....
They are the ones with the courage to put it down.
I witnessed this firsthand....
This past July, I had the privilege to act as chaperone to four teens....
We went to Columbus, Ohio...
To participate in The National Youth Convention.
9000 young people were there....
Each offering up their talent and gifts to the Lord....
Every one of the 9000....Praying and seeking...
Wanting God to move in their lives...
Having a deep, genuine desire to be used by God...
I was put to shame, as I stood there in a packed out arena...
And I heard these teens calling on God....
Not just for their direction...
but for this hurting and broken world.
That's right, these young people...
They were praying for us....
our generation....
The people who gave them the basket and said...
"Good Luck"....this world is doomed...
Wow....did they respond....
They took a look at that basket.....
they decided....
Let's change this....
Put the basket down....
Let's pick up the heart of Jesus....
Let's be a light in this world....
Instead of carrying a hand basket to Hell....
Why don't we just open our arms...
and carry this world into heaven...
I am challenged by this generation....
They step out of their comfort zone....
The go out of their way....
The sacrifice their time and their possessions....
They risk ridicule and rejection...
These kids don't care....
The will do anything...not to pick up that basket.
I desire...No, I need to be more like them...
This next generation...
I want to step out...
to make a difference.....
And...I want to set down that hand basket....
set it down because it's empty....
Because, my arms are full.....
and I'm on my way "UP"
1 Peter 2:9The Message (MSG)
9-10 But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.
Thank you...young people.
Thank you for inspiring me...
And accept my apology..
I never should have handed you that basket.