Monday, October 15, 2012


Now that I have your attention, let me first give you a disclaimer, this is not about Fifty Shades of Grey (which I am one of the 5 people who have not read this series).

I come from a very long line of cooks/bakers. My great-grandmother left recipes behind that we are still trying to decipher. Her "rusks" were the best rolls I have eaten to this day. We have attempted the recipe and we have even managed to make something close to the original, but we're not quite there yet. The recipe calls for a handful of this and a dash of that, not the exact measurements that we need to replicate that delicious perfection.

My grandmother would call me in the morning and by 9:00am she would have dinner made. with homemade bread/rolls and a dessert. When I say dinner, I mean 60 Holupki or 75 meatballs. I used to think, really? what's the rush?  Now, I find myself waking up and getting my dinner started immediately. Apples don't fall far from the tree!

Well, a few years back, my aunt and my sister took on a huge challenge. They compiled all of our family recipes and put them into a cookbook for each of the women in our family. Now, when I say this was a huge challenge, I mean HUGE!!!. The cookbook ended up being a 4" three ring binder filled with our recipes. I use it everyday, it is one of my greatest treasures!!!

Yesterday, as I was pulling it out, yet again, to bake up a family favorite. An envelope caught my eye. Then I remembered, when my sister, Jami gave me this "Labor of Love", she included a letter to me. At the closing of the letter, she included a line that said "my verse for you"......

Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

This really hit me. I really do have the desires of my heart. God is so faithful.
For a long time, I have wanted to take my love of baking, and turn it into a business. I was scared and I had no idea how to do such a thing. It was just this desire I had hidden deep down inside of me.

Then Tara decided that I should take orders for baked goods to help fund Taylor's missions trip to Panama. Sure, I thought, I could make a few things. Well, it proved to be a huge blessing and I was able to provide 50% of Taylor's budget through my baking. Since that time, I have seen this business grow and develop, not at record pace, but slow and steady.

What an epiphany when I found this letter from my sister and I read that verse. He did give me the desires of my heart, and leave it to the Lord to not only give me that, but to orchestrate it in a way that glorifies Him and uses MY talents to further HIS kingdom. What an honor to serve the Lord in this way.

What are the dreams and desires that you have hidden away? They may be hidden from view, but God sees our innermost being. He knows they are there and in His perfect timing and in his perfect way, he will give you those things that you truly desire, just keep living in communion with him, and one day you will realize, He has given you all that you have desired and more!!!

Delighting in Him,

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